Revista da Academia de Gestão Estratégica



Webquest as a Supporting Tool for the Teaching-learning Process: Neuropsychological Implications for Students at Grade 6 of Primary School and Teachers

Llamas-Salguero F, Lopez-Fernandez V, Martin-Lobo P, Pradas-Montilla S

In recent years, technology has enveloped the classroom and is key to adapting the methodologies and incorporating new scientific progress in Neuropsychology related to learning processes. However, for its adequate implementation, it is necessary to know the effects produced on the acquisition of knowledge for students; hence the importance of teacher education. The aim of this research was to analyse the use, preferences, and training with WebQuest using a sample composed of students and teacher. We also wanted to analyse the neuropsychological basis of the use of this tool. The methodology was carried out with a descriptive quantitative study with 1700 students in classrooms of 6th Primary Education, in 50 Centres of Primary Education (CEIP) in Madrid (Spain), and 136 teachers that used two questionnaires validated expert PhD judges and the value of the Cronbach's Alpha was analyzed from the group of items with a value equal to: 0.860. The results demonstrate a low use of the methodology by teachers when using WebQuest tools with students in the classroom, due to their lack of knowledge about the tool and failure to develop this technology with students in an adequate and orderly manner. This research has to do with practical implications for the incorporation of the Webquest, working with students and improving higher thinking strategies in their work and learning processes, from their neuropsychological base contributing to improve teaching and educational quality and the formation of teachers.
