Revista de Questões Legais, Éticas e Regulatórias



Transformation of the Information Space of the Military-Political Conflict Zone in Donetsk and Luhansk

Mikhail V Gorbachev, Egor A Dibrov

 The article is devoted to the analysis of the information space of the zone of military-political conflicts in Donetsk and Luhansk. The authors propose to move away from traditional models and schemes of its explanation, which are associated with the study of databases, technologies for their maintenance, mechanisms for their application, information systems, information needs of the information environment. As an alternative explanatory model offers a structural analysis of the modern Ukrainian cinema and reflection of the given information trends in popular social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Classmates, Vkontakte, Twitter, YouTube. The authors selected the film materials in accordance with reasonable criteria for their subsequent study. Then the content contained in the films was re-analyzed in online communities, pages of popular bloggers, and YouTube channels to identify tools and technologies for its positioning in order to change the information space of the military-political conflict zone. As the main methods the authors used content analysis (for structural and substantial study of film and the specifics of its positioning in social networks) and intent-analysis (to identify key intentions of the film and their representations in popular social networks), scenario analysis (required to interpret the content and intent of the dialogues of the main story lines of the films), a project-based approach (necessary for identification of stakeholders in the transformation of the information space of the zone of military-political conflict). Additional methods were: comparative models of film plot analysis, narrative analysis of film micro-plots, and methods of ideological measurement of films.

As a result of the conducted research, the mechanisms of binary structuring of the information space of the zone of military-political conflicts were determined. The techniques and techniques that were used to implement these mechanisms are identified. The features of the distortion of the information space of the zone of military-political conflicts are revealed.

This research was performed according to the Development Program of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University Preservation of the World Cultural and Historical Heritage.