Revista de Ciências da Informação e Decisão de Gestão



The role of financial self-efficacy: mediating effects of financial literacy & financial inclusion of students in West Java, Indonesia

Kartawinata,B. R., Fakhri, M., Pradana, M., Hanifan, N. F., & Akbar, A.

Financial self-efficacy is an individual's belief in managing finances, using financial services and beliefs about their personal ability to achieve major financial goals. This study aims to determine the role of financial self-efficacy as a mediator between financial literacy and financial inclusion. The population of this study includes all active Telkom University students, totaling 32,358 people. This research uses quantitative methods with descriptive and causal research types. Sampling was done by using non-probability sampling method purposive sampling type, with the number of respondents as many as 100 people. The data is processed using structural equation modeling with an alternative method of partial least squares to test the effect of financial self- efficacy in mediating financial literacy and financial inclusion. Based on the descriptive analysis results, the Financial Literacy variable; Financial Inclusion; and financial self-efficacy; overall is in good category. And based on the results of partial least square analysis, it proves that financial self-efficacy is able to mediate the effect of financial literacy and financial inclusion.
