Revista da Academia de Empreendedorismo



The Effect of Curiosity On the Perception of Entrepreneurial Opportunity

Vidayana, Burhanudin and Tatum S. Adiningrum

This study aims to see the effect of curiosity toward business opportunity recognition process and to assess the moderating effect of motivation. By undertaking a survey to collect data from 316 small medium enterprises entrepreneurs and performed interaction analysis using PROCESS macro V3.5.5, this study successfully revealed that curiosity contribute positively toward opportunity perception. From interaction analysis result revealed that the effect of financial motivation toward curiosity-opportunity perception are different from the effect of time flexibility motivation. The result of this study is expected to fill the gap in entrepreneurship literature by providing clear explanation regarding to the role of curiosity in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition process. This study also intends to contribute in SME entrepreneur’s capacity development process in order to be able to identify new business opportunities.