Jornal da Academia Internacional de Estudos de Caso



The Challenges of Expanding into an Emerging Market

Shehu Ritter

With increasing importance of the rising markets within the world economy, there's growing interest among selling researchers and managers to know the variations between the customers within the developed and rising markets further because the challenges and opportunities display by these variations for each native and foreign marketers in these rising markets. However, most up-to-date analysis on client behavior and selling strategy within the rising markets uses ideas and theories developed and tested within the developed markets. Hence, it's not clear if these studies replicate the important image of the customers and marketers within the rising markets by exploring through the lens of developed markets. This special issue consists of twenty six papers, classified on 3 broad themes (comparative selling strategy, comparative client behavior, and rising markets perspective), that not solely extend the growing analysis on this vital topic however additionally push the agenda for creating the sphere of selling into a really world discipline, by not simply just replicating established theories and models however additionally distinctive the constraints of the prevailing theories and lengthening these to supply recent insights. This editorial additionally presents some helpful directions for future analysis on this subject.