Revista da Academia de Gestão Estratégica



Reconnoitre of Quantum Leadership Using Bibliometric Analysis: Show Up & Be Seen

Soh Wan Geok, Mohamad Bin Bilal Ali

The shift of the management role in this quantum era is imperative for leaders to embrace a revolutionary mindset. Hence, a bibliometric analysis study is carried out on quantum leadership. Data for analysis is obtained from Scopus database. Search string with the keywords is utilized and collected 363 valid documents for further analysis. The authors employed Microsoft Excel for basic frequency analysis, biblioshinyfor bibliometrix statistics to publications, Harzing Publish or Perish for citation metrics and analysis, and VOSviewer for data visualization purposes.Findings have presented the standard bibliometric indicators such as document type, source type, languages, subject area,current research trend, most relevant cited sources, prolific authors in quantum leadership, geographical distribution of publications in this field of study, and important keywords used.Based on the report, the study on quantum leadership will continue to increase and expected in the upward trend.This study only limited to papers that were indexed by Scopus and hence, there are possibilities of new areas to be explored. The need for study in quantum leadership genre will bring in new insights on the development of leadership at times of uncertainties to produce great leaders
