Revista da Academia de Empreendedorismo



Public Sector Organization Analysis the Behavioral View from Indonesia

Didin Zainal Abidin, Wibowo, I Ketut R. Sudiarditha and Maria Grace Herlina

Job satisfaction has a significant impact on an organization's overall performance. This study aims to assess academics' job satisfaction at a public sector learning institution in Indonesia since public sector workers expected to have a service orientation, minus the economic orientation. First, the research analysis uses the Rash Analysis model to assess the test's validity and reliability objectively and provide an in-depth quantitative description. Secondly, the research hypotheses will be examined using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The study's results indicate that public sector organizations can boost academics' work satisfaction by instituting a more effective promotion scheme since academics have voiced discontent with the promotion system. However, the research findings indicated that the revived promotion scheme could significantly impact an academic's positive feelings when performing academic duties.
