Revista Internacional de Empreendedorismo



Potential Development for Competitiveness Enhancement of Community Enterprises in Thailand

Taksaya Sangayotin

 The objective of this research was to propose the guidelines for the potential development for competitiveness enhancement of community enterprises in Thailand. This was the qualitative research method using the in-depth interview with the entrepreneurs of community enterprises and the Outside-in. The study is in the southern bordered provinces of Thailand. The research results revealed that (1) Factor Condition focused on the provision of important knowledge and skills to support technology and innovation, (2) Demand Condition focused on customer demand analysis to reach the target customers with the Customer Relationship Management, (3) Related & Support Industry supported the network for product development and potential to build Collaborative Ecosystem, (4) Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry promoted marketing through Digital Marketing and Social Media supplying certain target market to generate recurring revenue along with producing the quality products to meet international standards, make difference, create the story about products in the uniqueness, local wisdom, support for new business models to develop products according to Product life cycle and cultivate Agile Mindset, (5) The Role of Government supported to promote commercial channels to generate recurring revenue giving knowledge in the important matters to reduce the procedure for regulatory complexity and promote the “Made in Thailand” and (6) Chance focused on the current environmental change opportunities in environmental protection, product development for the Aging Society. Bringing the Outside-In to help developing will find the difference in the proactive concept to create the competitive advantage, create added value, and develop sustainability for the community enterprises
