Revista da Academia de Estudos Contábeis e Financeiros



Optimal Advertising Methods and Creating Investment Confidence

Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh, Khalid Thaher Amayreh

The internationalization of world business sectors into a solitary framework decides the reasonable need and significance of exploration pointed toward finding new methodologies and answers for elevate merchandise and ventures to guarantee serious situations by putting resources into promoting. The key financial and numerical techniques are recognized, the utilization of which guarantees the accomplishment of vital promoting pointers and enhancement of the publicizing portfolio. The utilization of two-measure monetary and numerical displaying made it conceivable to choose and upgrade the promoting portfolio by guaranteeing its adequacy by boosting monetary execution with a base degree of danger. The need of considering publicizing as a venture cycle with explicit highlights and attributes is contended. The consequences of a basic investigation of the hypothetical parts of the highlights of the utilization of promoting as a multifactorial wonder in the showcasing exercises of associations can be applied in commonsense exercises in the arrangement of an ideal publicizing portfolio with an enhanced danger level. In framing methodological ways to deal with making an ideal promoting portfolio with a broadened hazard level, reasonable suggestions have been created for speculator publicists, the utilization of which will amplify monetary execution from putting resources into publicizing.