Revista da Academia de Estudos de Marketing



Item Generation and Purification-Customer Intention To Complain Online Retail- Scale Development

George KJ

The eCommerce stage allows the customer a straightforward route to show their sentiments and views about the dissatisfaction caused due to a purchase. Customer complaints will allow the e-commerce platform to develop loyalty and re-purchase intention by effectively and efficiently handling their discontentment. A high percentage of customers exit without voicing their complaint purely based on their perception of how the Retailer will react to their concern. They either do not want to make that effort or feel that it is not worth it, keeping the time or money in mind. This scenario is a double edge sword for the Retailer as they not only lost the chance to understand why the dissatisfaction happened but also have no idea whether that particular customer would be back on their platform or not. The current research provides understanding into the factors that encourage complaint behaviour and working towards a reliable scale that validates the different items that rightly measure the “Customer Intention to Complain”.