Revista da Academia de Gestão Estratégica



Investment Conditions of Clustering and Innovative Development Region

Dmitry L. Napolskikh

The purpose of this research is to offer a systematization of models for attracting investment in cluster development projects. The formation of intersectoral clusters (multiclusters) united by a common innovation core is becoming more important for country. The importance of the cluster model of intersectoral integration based on the formation of multicluster formations is because in most Russian regions there is no pronounced specialization of industry. At the same time, in many regions during the Soviet period, scientific and production complexes were formed, which together with scientific and educational institutions can be considered as the scientific and technological core of neoclusterization. The concept of an innovation cluster and its corresponding methodological tools are proposed as a theoretical and methodological basis for optimizing innovation processes in the context of spatial development of the Russian Federation. Questions of the influence of economic space factors on the innovative development of regions, increasing the connectivity of the economic space based on "digital proximity", as well as the prerequisites for the formation of national and local "innovation space"remain of high relevance for economic theory and management practice. Paper deals with the cluster aspect of the investment policy, problems of assessment of investment climate and investment potential rating of region is considered. The analysis of the effectiveness of the regional policy to attract investment in the Volga Federal district is carried out. The most significant investment projects for cluster development of each of the considered regions are systematized. The results of calculating the investment potential of the Volga region regions are presented.