Revista da Academia de Estudos de Marketing



Instashoppers Purchase Intention Regarding Fashion Apparels

Catherine S and Meena Rani N

Online shopping for fashion products is becoming more and more popular. According to Pew Research Center (2010), websites have become an integral part of the millennial lifestyle. Online shopping for Indian millennials is still under-explored, especially in the fashion apparel product category. Therefore, online purchase intent has become a very important research topic in India today. Using Instagram media, the key determinants of shopper perception and purchase intention. After the extensive literature reviewed, framed conceptual study using the research questions. The questionnaire was circulated using an area sampling of 103 shoppers was tested. The collected data was analysed using SPSS to test the hypothesis. The study examines the significant impact of millennials instashoppers being influenced to do purchase mainly fashion apparels. According to the findings, three factors contribute positively to shoppers purchase intentions demographic factors and psychographic factors. It was concluded after the testing the purchase intention variables except education is not important to be aware of the insta-platform, since many marketers nowadays using the platform to promote their business concerns in all means to reach the millennials.
