Revista da Academia de Estudos de Marketing



Factors Underlying Consumer Online Buying Decisions in an Indian Context

Jaipal Rathod

Electronic retailing enables the purchase of goods and services via, electronic media. With the advent of the internet, retailers were able to create electronic platforms that would facilitate online interactions between buyers and sellers. Electronic retailing continues to grow, as customers use information technology regularly. The introduction of smartphones, coupled with the dropping rates of online internet accesses could act as major drivers of electronic retailing. Electronic retailing is expected to alter the traditional land space of retail markets. Electronic retailing enables the buyers to select and order products and services of their choice, irrespective of the time and location. Retailers can go online and set up electronic stores, without the need to set up a physical store. As space is not a constraint in electronic retailing, retailers can offer a wide variety of products like electronic goods, apparels, furniture’s, household appliances, toys, cosmetics, books, sporting goods, and accessories, etc. on their virtual stores. In this context, it is quite interesting and useful to understand the perceptions, attitudes, and purchasing patterns of online customers. The study is focused on finding the underlying factors that play a major role in the purchase choices/buying decisions made by customers during their interactions (online) with virtual stores. This research paper attempts to provide insights into the above-mentioned aspects. During the research study, a structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from the sample respondents.