Revista da Academia de Estudos de Marketing



Factors Effecting Purchase Frequency in Turkey: An Application on Smart Phones

Baris Batuhan Gecit

Aim of this study is to discuss the factors effecting purchase frequency of Turkish consumers and as the methodology of this study survey has been conducted to 384 Turkish university students. The results have been analysed via SPSS application. Product related factors, brand related factors, social factors and individual factors are determined as the factors effecting purchase frequency. According to the finding, social factors have a positive effect on smart phone purchase frequency. Brand related factors and additional services of product have a negative effect on smart phone purchase frequency. Individual factors are removed from the model and functional features of product do not have an effect on consumer’s smart phone purchase frequency. A more advanced analysis such as structural equation modelling can be applied in future articles but purchase frequency concept is a less studied term in literature and a quantitative study made on university students about smartphone purchase frequency would be beneficial for literature.
