Revista da Academia de Empreendedorismo



Exploring the Mediating Role of Consumer Healthy Lifestyle Between the Linkages of Price, Promotion, and Consumption Patterns

Farouk Djermani, Houcine Meddour and Abdul Halim Abdul Majid

This study aimed to examine the effects of price, promotion on the consumption patterns of healthy food and healthy lifestyle as well as to examine the mediating effects of healthy lifestyle between the specified linkages. A quantitative research design approach was selected where the questionnaire was formulated for primary data collection. The variables were measured using 22 items sourced from past studies. All the items were assessed using the fivepoint Likert Scale. 500 questionnaires were distributed to academicians from four Universities (UUM, UniMap, UPSI, USM) by using the random sampling technique. 357 responses were returned, representing a 71.4% response rate. The analysis method used were the partial least square (PLS 3) regression and descriptive methods. The findings indicate that consumer healthy lifestyle; promotion are significant predictors of consumption patterns. Meanwhile price shows no significant relationship with consumption patterns. The results of the mediation effects of a healthy lifestyle show that healthy lifestyle is a significant mediator between price, and promotion with consumption patterns. As Malaysian consumers exhibit serious concern towards healthy food consumption patterns, it is recommended that marketing managers focus their strategies on promotion, rather than the pricing for a healthier lifestyle in consumption patterns. The study also discusses the implications to various stakeholders, its limitation and recommendations for future studies.
