Revista de Educação para o Empreendedorismo



Effect of Entrepreneur Psychological Capital and Human Resources on the Performance of the Catering Industry in Indonesia

Amir Machmud, Eeng Ahman

This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of Entrepreneur's Psychological Capital and Human Resources on the performance of the catering industry in Indonesia. The research method is used in an experimental survey with hypothesis testing. Data was collected for business catering actors in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The data that has been collected is analyzed by using Multiple Regression. Based on the results of research, It is known that Psychological Entrepreneur capital variables of entrepreneurs have the most influence on the performance of UKM catering compared to other variables studied with a coefficient of 0.465. Then other variables that have an influence on the performance of SME catering are human resource management variables with a coefficient of 0.393. This finding implies that in order to improve the performance of Catering SMEs, it is necessary to improve psychological entrepreneur capital and human resource management.