Revista da Academia de Empreendedorismo



Effect of Business Practices on Micro and Small Family Business Performance: Evidence from MSFES in Delta State, Nigeria

Masoje O.M. Akpor-Robaro, Afolabi A. Ojo & Solomon A. Babarinde

The study examined the effect of business practices on the performance of micro and small-scale family enterprises, using primary data obtained from enterprises in Delta State, Nigeria, through questionnaire instrument. A sample of 250 enterprises drawn from selected towns was used. The enterprises were delineated into performing and non-performing enterprises based on an overall average performance score of 3.12, with enterprises having performance score below 3.12 categorized as non performing. The data obtained were analyzed using the methods of factor analysis, correlation analysis and general linear regression. The t-test statistic and coefficient of regression (B) at p<0.05 both showed significant results in both the overall set of enterprises and in the two separate sets delineated. The study therefore concluded that business performance in micro and small-scale enterprises not only significantly relate to business practices of the enterprises, but it is also significantly impacted by the business practices of the enterprises.