Revista de Ciências da Informação e Decisão de Gestão



E-Commerce Companies, Online Shopping and Customer's Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Covid-19 Lockdown in India

Ephrem Habtemichael Redda, Gaikar Vilas B, Berhane Aradom Tedla

Today's global trade and online shopping revolve around several e-commerce enterprises. Transitioning from a physical approach with local stores to an online one with e-retailers for daily requirements has provided valuable experience during COVID-19 lockdown. The current study paper's goal is to comprehend the research questions about online shopping. As a preventive precaution to covid-19, now is the moment to engage in virtual shopping with zero contact delivery. The study also allows for a comparative comparison of the level of satisfaction of online buyers in the overall framework, taking into account elements PEBSF, i.e. Products (P), Employee Behavior and Services (EBS), and Finance (F) and its determinants. The researcher used an integrative approach (IA) to study the literature and conduct the survey. To comprehend the syntactic research gap, both primary data from a well-structured questionnaire distributed to 300 internet purchasers in the Mumbai region and secondary data from published sources were centred and cited. To create a representative sample, the researcher used Stratified Random Sampling for e-commerce websites, taking into account total visits, average visit time, page per visit, and bounce rate, as well as Convenient Random Sampling for online purchasers. The researcher used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (D-Statistic) and Shapiro-Wilk tests to test data normality, Cronbachs' Alpha to test data reliability, Descriptive Statistics (frequency and per cent count) to describe data, Kruskal-Wallis 1-Way ANOVA on Rank to calculate Mean Rank to analyze and compare satisfaction level, and Chi-square to measure significant association. The researcher created an epilogue based only on data collecting and analysis. In order to gain insights into e-commerce, descriptive and inferential studies were carried out
