Revista da Academia de Gestão Estratégica



Demystifying Performance within the Context of Resource Fluidity in Nigeria

Idia Sandra Efeomo, Salau Odunayo Paul, Kaitell Temiloluwa Moyosore, Bolodeoku Bolanle Paul

High organizational performance become even more challenging and dynamic in the last few decades due to globalization and its ability to intensify competition and changes in consumer preference, shorten the lifespan of product and service. This study evaluates resources fluidity and its effect on performance in the Nigerian manufacturing industry. The study adopted a mono method with a descriptive survey design. A total of 196 questionnaires were dispersed to the employees of some selected firms in Nigeria. 161 was filled and return. The data was for the study was analysed and presented using SEM-PLS (structural equation method). The Study result showed that resource fluidity has a positive and significant effect on firm’s performance in the manufacturing industry of Nigeria. The study recommended that manufacturing organization in Nigeria adopt strategies that develops resources fluidity for improved agility to improve their firm’s performance.
