Revista da Academia de Estudos de Marketing



An Empirical Study On Social Media Conversation To Increase Brand Awareness: Startup Organization Context

Dillip Kumar Parida and D. Prasanna,

Socail media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and other tools to reach consumers and facilitate conversation is known as social media marketing. The increasing popularity of social media marketing among companies helps out to new customers and strengthen relationships with existing ones. It is a risky proposition for start-ups to invest huge funds into advertisement and marketing. Social media marketing could be the solution in these situations to reach more customers with an optimized budget. It is easier for start-ups to build trust and brand awareness for new customers through social media. The correlation between social media marketing and brand awareness was investigated whether the added value by social media platforms for startup companies and their target clients supported to increase brand awareness. This research looks into the relationship between the use of of social media marketing and brand recognition in the context of startups, with the aim of further understanding of the role of social media marketing in raising awareness of startups' goods and services. The significant advantage of web-based marketing is to use the colossal network on the web to build brand awareness. Online media promotion makes the spreading of news and information fast. This straightforwardly Increases traffic by connecting to the social media group, social media accounts, or any item. The essential goal of any marketing channel is to publicize the services and product with minimal expense.
