Revista de Questões Legais, Éticas e Regulatórias



An Assessment of Legal and Regulatory Implications of Practicing Sustainability Marketing in the Ghanaian Telecommunication Sector

Benjamin Baroson Angenu, Ibn Kailan Abdul-Hamid, Winston Aseidu Inkumsah

The aim is to examine the sustainability marketing practices of a market leader in the Ghanaian telecommunication sector. To ascertain the focus areas where the telecommunication firm carries out sustainability initiatives. Accordingly, a qualitative research methodology was adopted where a case study design was utilized. The study collected data from the corporate website and an interview with some senior managers of the firm in charge of sustainability for triangulation of facts. Consequently, thematic and content analyses were used to analyze the findings. The Study found: health, education and economic empowerment as the focal areas of the telecommunication firm in Ghana. Although, the telecommunication firm seems not to be practicing sustainability marketing dimensions of economic; social and ecological. The study found traces of evidence suggesting that the firm have environmental and economic activities that are qualified to be described as sustainability marketing. The study recommended that the firm should focus and report on their environmental, social and economic initiatives.